Hey guys! Daniel here from ACTS Church Singapore. Quite a while back, Pastor Sandra asked me to write a testimony, or rather, my life journey with God. So i'll try my best to keep this as short as possible:) Story so far: the morning i'm wrote this, I had a lil' chat with God whilst bathing and getting ready for school, about my emotions. I'm sorta like Finn from 'GLEE', the hit series, who just cracks under pressure. This started last year when I was 15. I told my parents about my week old BGR last september. Of course like most concerned parents, they did every means to break us up. What's worse, a couple weeks later I heard that my girl had been seeing another guy. Cutting it short, I wondered, 'God, where are you?!' I got so fed up that i told God 'enough'. And for two days I stopped my relationship with God. Broke up with my girl, and reflected. After countless prompts from the Holy Spirit about: 'Oooo, what if God comes today and you are in this mess now? Come back.' After the two days, I admitted my fault to Him and needed Him in my toughest times. You see, this God is just so awesome. My girl needed me, but i shunt her for her fault. But then I needed God and He opened His arms, knowing that Heaven rejoiced! Keeping it short, He loves and cares. Some of you, especially the youths look at this and say, 'but oh! special case mah'. well, honestly, i still doubt God at times, but even I'm still hurting 4 months after my relationship, its already minimal cause my God has been so merciful to me and heals our broken hearts. Lemme encourage to you, if you feel like this: 'eh i talk to God already but He never reply, i text He never reply'. well, how about just talking to someone close about the problem, and by your own discernment, He maybe talking through your loved one :) All the Glory unto Him!