Thursday, December 31, 2009
The countdown
Pastor Lucas handed me the clock to take picture as soon as 2010 came in, and it was super awesome! Instead of the usual 3-2-1 countdown, pastor Martin was singing Emmanuel. We were all laughing and singing in anticipation as we told pastor martin it was gonna be 12!!
Here is how it went:'emmmmaaannnuueellll, happy new year!' right exactly on the 12! Woweee, talk about awesome tempo!
The air you breathe in now is the air of 2010.
Let's look forward, not behind. 2009 is over, learn from our mistakes. Don't repeat them.
Glory to God for the year gone pass. Hello 2010, thank God for it cause I see so much potential in the year ahead! God Bless you all, and happy new year!(:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My first sermon.
"But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this
kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
-A relationship is NOTHING without love.
-Giving is NOTHING without joy.
-The world is NOTHING without peace.
-Prayer is NOTHING without patience.
-Generosity is NOTHING without kindness.
-Kindness is NOTHING without goodness.
-Trust is NOTHING without faithfulness.
-Mercy is NOTHING without gentleness.
-Perserverance is nothing without self-control.
Some extra pointers:
-Healing is NOTHING without hope
-Fruits of our labour are NOTHING without hard work.
-Thankfulness is NOTHING without gratitude.
-Apologies are NOTHING without forgiveness.
You are NOTHING without God.
-Daniel Khoo
Sent from my iPod
Monday, December 28, 2009
All the praise to you!
What an awesome birthday, yet(:
For my birthday yesterday,(28th) my parents decided to bring me to Johor for go karting! So drew, christine and jere tagged along. So much drama. Let the story unfold... Now!
Me: we're leaving at 1030 right?
Jere: yeah.
We left the house.
Next stop,ACS Barker, to buy second hand books. At first I was enthu about it till my mum just picked loads of chem workbooks. Thank God it was pure and we only got two bookLETs for chem notes, plus other subjects. Checked out the tennis court, court 3 isn't even painted yet!! FAILURE!
At the open car park with me, drew and tine:
Drew: let's race.
Me: can't run, headphones around my neck, itouch in my back pocket.
Tine: slippers!
Me: kk.
We ran; I grabbed my headphones as soon as it touched the ground and guess what? I dropped my frigging itouch on the gravel paved ground, bounced in circles on it's side. Ahhhh!! The top right corner got scratched and one deep chip!! Die lah! Got over it for then.
Next stop, Johor!
Headed to checkpoint. Full house man! Saw a sign which said queue cutters will be fined.
Me: wah liddat we signal to the guy behind to come forward and then he get caught by the camera.
Everyone: hahahahahahahahah
After about one hour to get pass the crowded causeway and two checkpoints, we rushed, little did we know the flyover was wrong. As soon as we got directions, we went to eat.
Drew: this restaurant is selamat dating(datang)
All: what dating ah? It's datang...
Me: next time you study here you tell a chick,'eh, selamat datang( in drew's case is' I wanna date you' ) ' haha!
We went to eat. I ate mee rubous(how to spell??), no chilly.awesome stuff.
About 3pm:
Went to search for the place. Went along the coast. Can't find ahh!! Wind downed windows to ask for directions, stopped at gas station. Missed turns and all.we ended up at a long highway, pasir gudang: 55 km.
It was 345pm. Tension rose.
Dad:if we can't reach by 4 we're going back. I'll bring you another time.
Me:aiyo, next time then dowan.. So long!
Dad: *sigh*
Dad: next time I bring you k?
Me: hmm, we just drive to a mall and see if we can find on the way.
Got directions, long story cut short, we reached the long entrance before the go kart track. 3 km deep jungle trail with two narrow bridges, no barriers.
You see, the last time I drove the tuscani in, my dad took over at the bridges. Cows blocked the way. This time was a change.
Switched sides with dad, I drove off.
Dad: lemme know when you cannot ah.
Before I could say okay, I crossed over the bridge without a thought. Hahah!
The trail was filled with pot-holes and could travel the max at 30kmh. Reached, I parked the car. Hallejuah!
Another cool thing. You see, when I woke up this morning, I surfed Vaughn gittin's facebook pictures. Came across this rainy drift meet in japan with noburetu taniguchi's car:

Then I was like, hopefully it drizzles a bit and I can drift the kart like them, the spins, the water kick ups(: it drizzles, we raced. Spun on the first lap when I flew down the slope upon turn in. The foot brake is like a handbrake. Then I didn't have any visor.
First run:
Helmet with no vise, rain got heavier, speeding with the kart and drops flying against the face like needles! Then the gravel that kicks up when you draft behind.
Second run:
Visor on, we ran. Really awesome!
Third run:
Three strangers joins us. I attempted an overtake after the long sweeper on the Outside line to the inside line on the chichane on the stranger. Unfortunately, my front left wheel hit his rear right wheel and I spun. Thinking he was gone, I u-turned and saw him in the gravel. Waved to apologise, he was nice(:
Then on one last turn before the finish line, I turned but due to the wet surface at bad steering lock, I was headed for off road. Doing it drift style, I rode the edge of the track, drifting with my rear wheel about to slip off the track! Talk about skills!(:
One of the spins were so great that before I spun I full locked my wheel to right and the force made it end up left after I spun. Scary but fun!
We left, I drove out, my dad took over when we were out of the trail(:
Went to search for jusco(after numerous directions asked). Went to eat awesomeness chicken rice. Jere wanted a chicken so it dropped on the table. Wanted to use my untensils and quickly pick up but it dropped again, picked, it slipped and dropped on the chair then on the floor-.- fail!! Watched Alvin and the chipmunks 2! Cute ah!!
Walked around the mall, in the carpark I idoitically stepped on puke, mistaking it for water! Watched my soles and put some soap. Phew, close call.
Directions again,finally one babe gave us the right direction, topped up gas, causeway jam.
Police officer reading out name:
Wong.. Er, swee min?
Christine: here! Haha!
Finally got out, yadayada. Dropped christine off and reached home exactly at 1205am!
Me: thanks dad for bringing me
And bearing with my attitude and wrong directions.
Dad: okay!(:
Me: I can't belive I dropped my itouch!! Ah!!!
P.S. Remember the bridge? I learnt a lesson, by faith you can cross bridges. Goodnight, sleepwell(:
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Prayer changes things
Acts church 27/12/09
Speaker: Kien Yiak Wong (Chief elder of ACTS KL)
1 Samuel 30
God understands you, He sees your tears, emotions and feeling...
Emotions play a big part in our life. Stay with negative people you
become like them. Sometimes instead of reaching out we tend to join
them if we are not careful.
Trials and testings come into our lives. Bills and all.
We have a different choice, we don't needa reply like others. Change
that attitude around! Don't conform into the environent that the enemy
prepared for you.
Are you living in an environent the enemy has prepared for you or God
has prepared for you?
Strenthen our relationship with God. He comes at the very last minute.
Just at the right time!
We can either live like the world or live by God's ways. Be a David!! (:
We all have dreams, desires, aspirations that God has placed in our
To God be the Glory forever and ever!
Acts church 13/12/09
Pastor Kenneth Chin
Psalms 37
Title: Journey towards our dream/ desire/ destiny(:
God works by order.
Step one step two step three.....
Six steps to walk the walk to our dreams.
Step 1:
Psalms 37:1
Don't compare yourself with others.
It will only get you discouraged.
Step 2:
Psalms 37:3
Trust in the Lord and do good.
Trusting his character.
He never fails nor forsakes you.
Just keep on doing good.
Step 3:
Dwell in the land and stay put.
Plant your own fruit, don't pluck others' hard work.
You will see God's faithfulness in both good and hard times.
Step 4:
Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of Your
Give you means form/create in you. It's His desires He puts in your
Step 5:
Commit your ways to the Lord, Trust also in Him and He shall bring it
to pass.
Come with a dream, leave with a plan.
Don't attempt to 'run' faster than Christ.
Step 6:
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Isaiah 40:21
The words people hate:
1) stay
2) wait
Love them.
There is a greater gift than faith and testing our faith will unveil it.
Acts church 06/12/09
Pastor Martin tang.
-Luke 1:26,29,37,38
-the greatest gift that we can ever give this Christmas is the life of
Christ in you(it's rarely given out)
We should celebrate Christmas everyday, giving these types if gifts(:
- very seldom 'we say be it unto me'(Mary during her late teens)
1) W- willingness
Mary was willing when she said be it unto me.
2) W- are you willing?
Are you placing yourself in that place of wilingness to give?
Open that hand which holds the gift! God's sayin what's that in your
3) W- worth.
Grace is the point of our life when sin and God's majesty collides!
We give something that is priceless. We didn't buy it, God gave it to
us to pass it on!
Don't let the devil rob you of your gift, confidence God gave you.
-John 4:9,10,28,29
Don't let the devil place you in delusion.
Jesus is greater than any of our needs!
Be in a position to say 'be it unto Him'.
4) W- wrap
Gift wrap? Unwrap the life of Christ to many.
God looks beyond our fault. Our need should be to touch someone who
has yet to know Christ.
5) W- worship with a winning attiude. It turns the heart of men to
praising God!
Grace is a passport that takes us into the will of God.
Acts cell group
28 November 2009
Speaker: Kim Hwa
-Jeremiah 29:11(similar to alex's testimony)
Plans to Prosper and Bless.
-How to be blessed and remained blessed?
Isaiah 1:16-20
"If only you would obey Me."
-Psalm 23:5
God prepares a feast for us in front of our enemies.
-Challenge: consider fasting*
(refrain from something that keeps us from seeking God)
Basically, seek God during that period! (:
-Alex adds:
Matthew 16:24
Deny yourself. Pick up that cross, daily!!
God has plans for you even though what YOU WANT does not come to pass.
*fast from cars. Reading, doing.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
1 Peter 4:7-11
Above all keep your love for one another fervent, because love covers a multitude of sins.
Show hospitality to one another without complaining.
Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of the varied grace of God.
Whoever speaks, let it be with God's words. Whoever serves, do so with the strength that God supplies, so that in everything God will be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:7-11
Was about to finish up some paper work today when the dogs ran out the house! Drew wanted to let them out to run in the garden whilst washing the car. Gate was open and the dogs left, with drew calling me to come. I took the leash and called Burma. She turned as saw me with the leash in my hand and started running. Urghh, I chased after her without a shirt! Frap happily followed and then confronted a dog. Managed to tie up Burma and drew called frap then. On the way back, there was this Labrador behind the gate of someone's house. Frap went to pick a fight, thankfully there were no injuires cause they only barked and snarled fiercly at each other. My knee became pain.. Ahh..
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Jesus Christ, happy birthday my Lord!! Today was kinda cool, me and
drew left home to pick up the Christmas tree for church at the church
office at Rangoon road. Then we realise the key pastor Lucas gave us
was wrong!! So we had to frigging drive all the way down to kovan mrt
near his place to get the right key0.0 but the long flyover was cool.
Went to church for Christmas celebration, met megan's friend Marcus.
Lunch was way awesome! Learned some new stuff from Josh Khoo's parents
and Denise parents(: really really awesome. Went home later to rest,
watched WTCC, went to tune my car. Left to my mum's mother's place for
dinner and gift exchange(: took a wild load of pictures! Celebrated my
birthday at the same time and got some cash in(: was so shacked that I
just fell asleep on the sofa-.- well then, goodnight folks, I'm of to
the land of dreams.God Bless
P.S. Shine your light
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
New love
that's right, lancer ex. Lancer came in with a deep black glossy
clothes. I must say, the only thing she lacks are better looking
shoes. They are nice though. Now she gotta sit closer to the ground,
sorta ride it. Have that wings to hold her down so she won't fly away
from me. Make her fart louder and make her run faster. Her asshole is
just too puny! How is the fart gonna be loud?
And that's the story of our new Mitsubishi lancer ex 1.5(A) that took
the place of our Hyundai tuscani(: planning to fit on a wing, lower
the suspension, fit an aftermarket exhaust over the tinny one and new
that's all folks!(:
My love
clothes and sleek body, I knew you were the one! We were so small and
young then, all of us fitted into you and you took me for rides I
never forget! You later received wings that prevented you from flying.
Your eyelids flew off while running. Pain. The fin you shaped like my
hair. I gave you a pair of black shoes and you loved it! Helped you
breathe better and clearer. Took you for spins, awesome times! The
time has came, you're falling apart. He came and took you away. We had
our last journey together before you were gone forever. Our last
picture we took. Now I've taken off your wings, fly away!
And that's the story of how our Hyundai tuscani served us well and was sold off.
Awesome times.
I'm back!
what I have been doing so far soon!(: Penang tennis trip was awesome!
Played singles against this 16 year old guy from Penang, lost 6-3 6-1.
I must say that's not bad yo! Doubled with victoria sec ong kang
sheng, we lost 9-1! Haha, what a failure(: shopping for awesome
clothings, arcade, movies!(: and those late night chats! That's all
for Penang folks!(:
Blog Archive
- The countdown
- My first sermon.
- All the praise to you!
- What an awesome birthday, yet(:
- Prayer changes things
- Whee(:
- Acts church 27/12/09
- Acts church 13/12/09
- Acts church 06/12/09
- Acts cell group
- 1 Peter 4:7-11
- Call me
- Hellaflush
- Gift exchange
- Driftspeed
- Run
- Planetshakers- One
- Happy Birthday!
- The cars
- New love
- My love
- I'm back!