Can't describe how much fun I had in school todayy!!!
So after recess was Chinese. We had a heck load of fun! Supposed to be having a test, but heck I finished it up, and then pek went to start putting together those square shaped foam pieces that they use at kindergarden. It's like we make a box out of it and put someone inside. Then he'll burst out of it whilst I capture a video on my phone.

Then as soon as one guys bursts out, mr chia chun Kai would say in chinese:
Eh ni men bu Yao wan, later principal walk bye and catch yiu.(that's how he says 'you' and 'bye' ) ^^
Translate: eh you boys don't play, later the principal walk by and catch you.
Then like durin contact time there was this 'I will' worksheet that we would need to fill up with the shape of a man holding up the space and then a smiley face. So I drew a couple of packs on him and a big chest, with armpit hair sticking out; flies flying around. Hehe
Well i guess that's all for now, gonna edit the chinese clb videos I took soon;)
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